Proteins are an important part of our daily diet. They provide our muscles, cells and other vital tissues with the growth factors that are required to keep them healthy and functioning normally.

Lentils, also called daal, is a popular addition to an everyday meal in India. Each cup of lentils contains about 18 g of protein making it an excellent source of vegetarian protein. 



Legumes include varieties of beans such as kidney beans, black beans, chickpeas and similar ones that are widely considered to be a powerhouse of proteins. 



Nuts are basically superfoods. If you wish to follow a good veg protein diet, you should strongly consider adding nuts to the cavalry.



green peas are an excellent source of protein. A cup full of these green beauties gives you nearly 9 g of protein.

Green Peas

Green Peas

Quinoa is gradually catching on in India as a food that is healthy, low in fat and high in protein. 



There are many individuals who are intolerant to lactose who require an alternative source of protein, and soy milk is a great one, containing nearly 7 g of protein per cup.

Soy Milk

 A small cup of oats can provide you with nearly 6 g of protein and a quarter of your daily requirement of fibre. 


Chia seeds have recently caught on in India and are being used more and more in our country as a superfood.

Chia Seeds

Chia Seeds

Fruits are generally poorer sources of protein. That being said, fruits such as bananas, guava and certain berries have a decent quantity of protein in them.

